So, Russ moves away on Friday. Wow does that suck! 6 months ago he didn’t know Angie. In June they met, got engaged around Labor Day and now he moves in with her in December, crazy! He starts a new job on Monday down there (similar to what he is doing now.) Not sure what my relationship will be like with him now that he is in Columbus (heck, I’ve hardly got to talk to him at all in the past 6 months) but I hope he still keeps me posted on life and everything! We’ve had a good 10 year run in Madison (for the most part) and I am sad that it is coming to an end. I’ll remember the 50mph U-Turns, the trips to the Party Port in the Wagon, the nights at Ho Chunk, the night at Wandos (even though you don’t,) the fantasy football, the video games, the various stages of being a roommate, the signs, the Branch, the road trips, the Taco Bell, the Jolly Green Russ, the card shows, the two-fours, the Mountain Dew Caps, the sevensies, the Letting out of the dogs, the Sega Channel and most everything from our run. Russell, good luck in Columbus! Keep things real and true…be yourself always!
I expect you all to post some love and hate for Russ! He deserves both!