The Waffle House Chronicles...

Friday, May 18, 2007

Bike to work day!

I rode my bike to work today. I opted for my only bike with a name...Timmy!

It's my favorite bike I own, even though it's not that fun to ride. Anyways, I work and work out almost 2 miles from home and the Y and work are 1.7 miles from each other. I got to the Y nice and early today (around 5:50) which was nice, open my bag, no gym shorts. Back on Timmy up the hill and home (5:58) and back to the Y (6:07.) Got in almost 6 miles before basketball time and I was well warmed up. After basketball I got the 1.7 mile ride with the biggest climb of the day, but I not only cleaned it, I passed a kid on a BMX bike. I rock! Workday was awesome, free bagels for breakfast and free pizza for lunch. Yesterday we caught 3 mice at work. We only had one trap left and that got cleaned without it triggering so that sucked. It's loaded again for the weekend. Took the dogs to the park after work...what a perfect day for that! Now we are off to dinner!

Oh yeah, the other day I helped out a co-worker help out another "co-worker". The "co-worker" sent me and the other co-worker one of these! If only I was cool enough to win one myself. I'm out. Tour De Cure is tomorrow and I'll be packing my camera...we'll see what I can do!

Brett Favre

As a Wisconsinite (or someone from Wisco as others might say) it would only be socially responsible if I blogged about Brett Favre. Well here is a link that sums it up.

Oh yeah, so everyone knows the rule of Favre (if there is a major sporting event in Wisconsin, someone there will be wearing a Favre jersey.) I guess it also applies at Shea Stadium.

It's bike to work day today...

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Like Brozek...but more hetero

I guess I must be becoming a "hipster". Why earlier this week, Mr Brozek himself said that my shoes were hip or coll or something to that effect. Really?

Sweet! Plus now I ride a fixie around (I felt really cool walking a mile and a half this morning with a flat though...) I even got a comment on one of my new shirts. I guess it is all coming together for me! Plus Brozek quit cycling even more than I have although he was saying something about the apocolypse the other day. I guess my days are more interesting when I run into him...and you'll still never catch me in jeans.

Speaking of borderline hetero, check this out. I saw it in my Sunday paper and had to show Jess. I guess I wasn't alone in my feeling that this probably isn't the best way to be marketed.
At least I am cool enough to drive a Newark airport monorail. I guess cool is relative.

Monday, May 14, 2007

King of Queens

Tonight was the last ever episode of one of my favorite shows of all time, The King of Queens. A great cast and great writing paved the foundation to humor at it's finest. You will always live on in syndication and DVD box sets...
Of course Kevin James will be starring in a movie of the year candidate this summer...I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry. Throw some Adam Sandler, Jessica Biel, Dan Akroyd and Steve Bucemi in there with Kevin and it's bound to be a hit...even more so than Hitch!