The Waffle House Chronicles...

Friday, March 31, 2006

Beverages Galore!

One product I like now is Emergen-C. I love this stuff, 20 calories, tasty, cheap and nutritious! Also helps with energy and gives you way too many vitamins that can help you stay not sick.

Last night I bought a berries and cream Vault! You can get 6 packs for $1.29 at Woodmans. Awesome! It tastes a lot like Surge, maybe a tad more sour which is a good thing. Sort of like a Soda known as Kick. Man, I miss OK Soda.
Rode by the Fudd on Wednesday…I almost thought it was open, I am guessing two weeks. Rode 85 miles in the past 3 days (32, 22, 31) so that’s been nice. Date night tonight, with a little Ice Age II Ultrascreen! Maybe some Pizza Hut afterwards. I watched Ice Age on Wednesday so I am ready. Michigan didn’t show up in the NIT final last night, wasn’t a good game. Fortunately my new favorite show,


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