The Waffle House Chronicles...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Chili- The Update!
Chili is a funny pup! He likes to torment Popeye, poop and pee inside and cuddle! He isn’t as hyper as we expected but he is certainly a very sweet puppy! He is starting to get some of this potty training done and Popeye and him are establishing boundaries. Jess and I have devised a good plan for crate training and are sticking to it and in only a couple days we have noticed a difference. I am very excited for Chili to be potty trained and in the mean time we have clean white spots all over the carpet and are keeping Resolve and Bounty in business!

Ironman Update:
Running: 43.6 miles in my first two weeks of running. I should be ready for the Berbee Derby on Thanksgiving Day and I am going to revise my goal to under an hour at some point as my training pace would be at an hour so race pace should be slightly faster. Jingle Bell run is in mid-December…might do that.
Cycling: I’ve ridden 2-3 times a week the past few but am tapering that. I’ve ridden 3450 miles this year so far, surpassing my goal of 3000…but I may be short of the 3650 mile mark (10 miles a day for every day this year.) But to my credit I haven’t counted any indoor miles, so I’d be right around 3650 if I did. Maybe I can eek out 200 more miles…but we’ve been fighting fall and winter for a while…I am not sure how much time will be left!
Swimming: I haven’t swam since August, instead right now focusing on my running (don’t want to burn out in November.) Once the ice hits though, swimming will gain its place in the rotation!

Personal update: Karaoke Revolution Party comes out today so my productivity at home will likely suffer!

I wonder what Hez is up to right now?


  • some anfib shoe covers, good gloves, and extra layers will allow you to keep riding all winter long. oh yeah, and maybe some lights.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/08/2005 9:48 AM  

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