The Waffle House Chronicles...

Friday, June 15, 2007

A sad day indeed

Today is Bob Barker's last day. I am sad, sad that Bob's run is over but equally as sad for Larkin. A lot of people think they are the biggest fan of something but I can honestly say Larkin's passion for The Price is Right eclipses the passion that most people have for most things. While most of us grew up learning to talk and count on Sesame Street, he learned on the Price is Right. He's visited a couple times and sat third row center once but never got a chance to get on stage. Anyways, this is about the Price is Right and those who are at my place around 7pm tonight will get the chance to watch the final episode with me. The Brewers will just have to wait an hour. Enjoy this clip and go You Tube some more!


  • A very sad day indeed. The Price is Right will not be the same without Bob Barker.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/17/2007 12:58 PM  

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