June is friends moving away month
June is a sad month. The inevitable is finally here. Some of our best friends are moving away. First off are good friends Kelson and Jen. It feels like just yesterday when some jackass was telling me how to ride switchbacks at Blackhawk and his girlfriend took photos of my bailing on them. They didn't know who I was but were very nice...fast forward a couple years and now they are great friends. Whether it be analyzing how sick our dog is, or what to check out on you tube, or cheering me on all Ironman long, Kelson and Jen were there. So I went ahead and bootlegged some of their photos.
Although our e-mails will always be legendary I will miss the random bike crashes!
Although our e-mails will always be legendary I will miss the random bike crashes!
My crashes can't be called random if they happen at regular intervals on most rides! By the way, I'm actuially crying right now. Seriously. I'm not joking.
By Anonymous, at 6/12/2007 9:42 AM
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