The Waffle House Chronicles...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Uh yes, this is Mrs. Yokel from William Clinton Middle School…and your kid is too fat! I love it!

But be warned, in true Arkansas fashion: “Nearly 80,000 Arkansas students were not tested. Some were pregnant, some parents or students declined, and some were absent the day of the test.”


  • But to fit the "fatness testing" into our school budget, unfortunately we had to cut P.E. classes and some extracurricular sports teams. We doubt there will be any negative effects resulting from these cuts...

    In other, completely unrelated news, we're building a new elementary school. The only land we could afford is 5 miles outside of town, but we'll have a great bus system running down the 4-lane, 55 mph highway to the school. Due to safety concerns, children will be prohibited from walking or riding bikes to the new school.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/17/2006 11:18 AM  

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