The Waffle House Chronicles...

Monday, August 14, 2006

More food!!! Here is the exclusive video, enjoy!

Bored, more food fun here! Be warned, it is tough and they are kind of anal about answers. I couldn't get a perfect score! :(

And you can never get enough Burger Time! It's a true classic!!!

You like? Let me know what you think!!!


  • Definitely kinda anal on the answers, they wouldn't allow me Baskin Robin, McDonalds, Popeyes and then there were some I didn't even know, what a sad day.

    By Blogger el_riz, at 8/15/2006 7:43 AM  

  • What was you score? I got 23.

    Missed these:

    - The "..oja.." one. I'm pretty sure I never (or extemremly infrequent) heard of this.
    - The "J" second from the bottom on the left.
    - The hot air balloon in the lower right.

    Did you get any of these?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/16/2006 10:33 AM  

  • BoJangles. You should know the hot air balloon (Steak Escape)


    I can't get

    The "J"- Isn't any of the top 60 restaurants...must be regional
    The "R"- I just can't figure it out...

    By Blogger Burrito Eater, at 8/16/2006 11:20 AM  

  • I guessed on the 'R' and got it. Never ate at one though.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/16/2006 11:31 AM  

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