The Waffle House Chronicles...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

I am so pro!

Woke up Wednesday morning and all was well! The Heavenly Bed was just that. We were now on a quest for Tim Hortons. Since we weren't in Ontario we really had to search. 20 minutes later we enter. We go in, start placing an order and then ask about credit cards. Nope. Down to the 7-11 and the ATM. There they had a new dew called Dew Fuel. It tastes like Mountain Dew and has more caffeine. In fact I am pretty sure they no longer have Mountain Dew but instead have just Dew Fuel. Anyways, back to Tim Hortons.

12 donuts, 6 cookies, 1 blueberry muffin & 1large hot cocoa. 1 Boston Cream and 2 Chocolate glazed and Jess' muffin later we were headed south. We drove to Anacrotes to hit the ferry. We get to the ferry and some golf team was there. Some Beav like dude got out his driver and teed one up. He swings and then the head went flying, his club broke. Hilarious! Anyways, we got on the ferry and headed to Orcas Island. My plan was to ride to the top of Mt Constitution, over 2000 feet of vertical. We got to some lake and I got out. 5.5 miles to the top. We saw some otters at the lake, they jumped right on to the deck and hid in some boats. I got on my bike and Jess played sag wagon, support and photographer. I got up in 42 minutes. Lots of photos. Lots of video. At one point I was riding up and two deer were there. The mom liked me and would've probably ate out of my hand if I wasn't out of corn. I did get about 5 feet from her. Anyways, I made it finally! The reward? Rain! :) OK, it was a drizzle and we went up on a tower that was awesome! I then rode down. I wasn't that comfortable on this bike and I certainly am alot more timid that I was 10 years ago. I got down in maybe 10 minutes, probably could've got down in 8 back in the day. We then raced for the 4:15 ferry getting to the dock at 4:05. Oops, that ferry is a Sunday only. We got on the 5:20 (after like 4 sudokus) and headed back to Anacortes. We then drove to some outlet mall that sucked, then Taco Del Mar (Jess' new favorite) and Jack in the Box for me (underrated and quality) before hitting Seattle about 9:30. It was quite the bike ride and I am glad I did it.

The mountain in the background is what I climbed. See the ride data below and let me know what you think!!!

Ride Data!


  • I have never met anyone that loves food as much as you. That's cool.

    We finally got the airplane out of your roof. I got the crane guy to stick it in your lawn at a crazy angle because I figured you'd want the souvenir. It looks sweet! Too bad my camera is broken, or I'd send a photo.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4/20/2006 10:19 PM  

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